Remote Sensing Basics
Remote Sensing is the most valuable source for the acquisition of actual geodata, e.g. land use / land cover (LULC). Remotely sensed imagery is acquired by high resolution spaceborne sensors with ground resolutions up to 0.6m, airborne imagery nowadays provides spatial resolution better than 0.1m. Both types of imagery record the reflected electromagnetic energy in several spectral bands, ranging from the visible wavelength to the near infrared. This Remote Sensing module follows a multi step education, the typical workflow of remote sensing process: recording, processing, analysing, and applying. The introduction gives a fundamental background about the theory of spectral data origin and its digital acquisition first. Operational sensors and platforms available for data acquisition will be described as well. Remotely sensed data processing means the elimination of system errors and the georeferencing of the image data. A very important part in the process is the data analysis, that is generating information from raw remote sensing data, such as extracting real world objects or mapping land use land coverage. Therefore, in principle two different methods are available: a statistical pixel-per-pixel approach and the more sophisticated object-based image analysis. The results of image analysis in general are transferred into and stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS), where they can be combined with additional data for a more advanced modelling and visualisation. Vice versa, already existing GIS data can support the image analysis process.
3 months
The module is free of charge for UNIGIS students working to meet their elective subject requirements. Included are:
- all related study materials
- supervision and assessment
- module accreditation according to the curriculum
ClubUNIGIS members can register at a price of € 350,-. Included are:
- all related study materials
- supervision and assessment
- course certificate upon completion of the module