Enterprise GIS

This module aims at giving students practice in establishing and maintaining an Enterprise GIS site. Enterprise GIS is an implementation of an organization wide GIS infrastructure including its processes and tools. ArcGIS Enterprise is the foundation software solution proposed by Esri to foster data integration and management, perform web based geospatial analysis and provide solutions for web mapping and communication.

The ArcGIS Enterprise deployment and configuration options will be introduced together with the supported custom and OpenGIS compliant web services capabilities, the available server-client communication protocols, cloud-computing paradigm and existing efforts dedicated to standards in GIS. The following geospatial web services will be discussed in details: map service, tile service, feature service, coverage service and geoprocessing services. A dedicated ArcGIS Enterprise instance will serve as example of enterprise cloud-computing applications.

See a short presentation of the module by the lecturer (webinar recording):

  • explain the benefits of Enterprise GIS
  • outline the main capabilities of ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise platforms
  • describe the key functionalities of geospatial web services
  • configure your own ArcGIS Enterprise (Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Server) site
  • define the web services supported by ArcGIS Enterprise technologies
  • publish spatial data as custom and standardized Map Service, Feature Service, Image Service and Tiled Map Service using ArcGIS Pro
  • publish and work with spatial analysis tools as Geoprocessing Services in ArcGIS Enterprise
  • mobile data collection in an enterprise

Core UNIGIS modules 1-3 or equivalent understanding of GIS, data modeling, data structures and data acquisition. If you are not sure whether you qualify, please contact martin.loidl@plus.ac.at.

We would like to inform you that this is an exclusively English language module. Therefore, any kind of communication with the module lecturer should be in English. The module is delivered in form of an instructed self-study that is based on explorative learning process and process. Theoretical concepts are complemented with practice oriented examples demonstrated with the help of several exercises defined for almost all lessons. A discussion forum is used for communication among students and the lecturer. A discussion forum is maintained in the Moodle platform in order to support efficient module instruction. You are requested to submit all your questions related to this module to this forum only. The lecturer will check all incoming comments on a regular basis.

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Portal
  • ArcGIS Server
  • ArcGIS Online platform: the access to the ArcGIS Online UIA private instance is granted by request.
  • ArcGIS Apps (e.g. ArcGIS Collector)
  • JavaScript WebApp Builder application

The assessment is based on your completed assignments. They must be submitted in written format (.PDF) within the required time period. The web applications developed during these assignments have to be published to the student’s ArcGIS Enterprise site. If the assignment(s) is/ are handed after the announced deadline, the lecturer is not obligated to grade it/them. It will be listed as such on your transcript.

Lesson 1 – Introduction to Enterprise GIS
The first lesson will cover the foundation of Enterprise GIS systems. The students will get familiar with the Enterprise GIS concepts and architectures, the key functionalities of the geospatial web services and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).

Lesson 2 – Cloud Computing & GIS 
Cloud computing is a computing paradigm that enables utilization of software and hardware infrastructure by multiple users without the need of local installation and maintenance of computing resources and software. In this lesson, the following cloud computing models will be introduced: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as Service (IaaS).

Lesson 3 – ArcGIS Online as Gateway to services
In this lesson, the ArcGIS online platform is introduced. ArcGIS online is a Software as Service (SaaS) application that can be accessed through web clients, desktop clients or mobile clients. The users do not have to install anything for getting access to this application. The students will get familiar with the key capabilities of this platform: searching, finding and using GI resources.

Lesson 4 – ArcGIS Enterprise as GIS broker in an organisation
In this lessons the students will learn how to configure an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal for a sample organisation. Each student will get access to a dedicated ArcGIS Enterprise (ArcGIS Portal and ArcGIS Server with datastores) installation and configoration of Portal for ArcGIS an will learn how to create customized web maps by adding web services published by GIS community or data layers.

Lesson 5 – Web Services & GIS 
In the first part of this lesson, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and RESTful (Representational State Transfer) web services are explained. Available standardization efforts within geospatial domain will be introduced in the end.

Lesson 6 – ArcGIS Enterprise components
This lesson aims at giving students a brief description of the ArcGIS Enterprise capabilities, supported services and deployment options. It comprises the components to provide functionalities for data management, geospatial, analysis, web mapping and spatial data science: ArcGIS Server, The students will start working with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal website — the front end of the portal.

Lesson 7 – Developing online editing applications
After sharing spatial data created by others as web services, it’s time to learn how to create and share our own data as web services. This exercise is a walkthrough of how to develop an online and mobile editing application using ArcGIS Enterprise.

Lesson 8 – Publishing Map and Feature Services to ArcGIS Enterprise
In this lesson, the main steps involved in authoring, sharing and consuming map services using ArcGIS Enterprise will be introduced. The students will publish their own map service using both ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro application.

Lesson 9 – Publishing Tiled Map Services and Coverage Services using ArcGIS Enterprise
In this lesson, the students will be learning about how to improve services performance and how to share your authoritative raster datasets or mosaic datasets. You will be learning about Tiled Map Services and Coverage/Image Services.

Lesson 10 – Mobile GIS in the Enterprise
This lesson is dedicated to Mobile GIS and its benefits for organizations and agencies whose activities rely on field data collections. In the first part of this lesson, the interaction between Desktop GIS, Web GIS and Mobile GIS will be introduced. The second part of this lesson is dedicated to the integration of ArcGIS Collector App.

Lesson 11 – Online spatial analysis on premises 
Geoprocessing Service (GP) is about exposing spatial analysis tool over the web. The students will perform online spatial analysis, and perform server side geospatial analysis. with ArcGIS Pro. After getting a feeling about what geoprocessing service means, the power and benefits of GP will be introduced.

Lesson 12 – Communicating with GI Services
ESRI web mapping API‘s (such as JavaScript). The students will use the web app templates published on ArcGIS Enterprise and the JavaScript WebApp Builder application to develop their own client applications.

Lesson 13 – Catalog and find
Metadata is information that describe a resource in an Enterprise GIS. In an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, the resources’s metadata is created, edited, and viewed on the item page. The student will learn about creating and publishing standards-based metadata (ISO 19115) with their data that subsequently helps people to learn about the resources and to decide if they want to use it.

Lesson 14 – Enterprise GIS Web Experience
The students will use the ArcGIS Enterprise Sites App allows to create a tailored web page experience for the organsiation to support the sharing of the portaö’s content with others. Websites with custom web pages can be created to navigate the content for distinct user groups.

Lesson 15 – Enterprise GIS Dashboards
A dashboard is a type of graphical user interface to provides at-a-glance views of activities or events from geospatial databases. They offer a comprehensive and engaging view of the data. The students will design multiple visualizations linked together on a single screen. Like web maps and web layers, the dashboards are part of the ArcGIS geoinformation model.