Am I eligible for the MSc program?

To be eligible for the “Geographical Information Science & Systems – UNIGIS MSc (CE)” you need to

  • hold a relevant Bachelor degree in a related discipline, i .e. either a “spatial” or an IT-related discipline, from recognised national or international universities.
  • prove sufficient English language skills to read and write complex, academic texts.

The program director decides on the admission to the study program considering available study places, the application documents and the orientation interview.

Tuition fees

Study program’s tuition fee amounts to € 12,500.- payable in a single installment or 2 equal annual installments of – € 6,500.-. Additional fees are due for credit card payment.

The tuition fee includes all registration fees at University of Salzburg (e.g. fees for university services, and the Austrian Student Union). Costs for the communication during the study time (broadband internet, etc.), for hardware, or for optional trips to summer schools, workshops or conferences are excluded from the tuition fee.

In case a student exceeds the study end date, no further courses or exams can be taken. It is possible, however, to agree on a study extension with the Director of Studies, which then is subject to an additional extension fee.


  • Check your eligibility for the UNIGIS MSc study program and view the required application documents listed in the application form. In case of doubt, we will gladly advise you.

  • Set up your time management; consider your family, job, and friends. Clarify the financing of your study, e.g. if your employer is willing to support your study.

  • Send your signed application and documents per email to UNIGIS Office.

  • Get individual advice and approval in an online orientation meeting with the Director of Studies.