GIS Degree program on Master-level

The UNIGIS Master of Science is a postgraduate study program in distance-learning format. It establishes a solid foundation with the key concepts and methods in Geographic Information Systems and Science, and provides the competences for solving complex real-world problems. Students develop their individual areas of expertise in the Electives as well as the Master Thesis research, according to their personal needs and interests. UNIGIS MSc students are typically working GI-professionals, who lead – or aim to lead – interdisciplinary teams. Graduates from the UNIGIS MSc program will be awarded with the Master of Science (CE) degree from the University of Salzburg.

The study is compliant with the level 7 (Master) of the European Qualifications Framework.

Target group

Persons who want to acquire knowlege on the wide range of the conceptual, technical and methodological contexts in the field of geoinformatics. Graduates are qualified as project, team or department leaders.


Master of Science (CE) degree

CE stands for “Continuing Education”

Starting dates

Twice a year (March, 1 and October, 1)


2 years, average weekly workload 12-15 hrs (depending on prior knowledge). An extension of one additional year (up to 3 years study duration) is free of charge.

Tuition fee

Study program’s tuition fee amounts to € 12,500.- payable in a single installment or 2 equal annual installments of – € 6,500.-. Additional fees are due for credit card payment.

Study Content

The UNIGIS MSc study program is based on a modular structure, including

  • 9 core modules (each one 6 ECTS),
  • Elective subjects (24 ECTS),
  • the study phase “Academic Guidance and Support” (9 ECTS),
  • the Master Thesis (30 ECTS), and
  • the Defense (3 CTS)

In total, the program amounts to 120 ECTS credits.

The program is designed to be completed in two years, however it can be extended for one additional year without additional fee.

Curriculum overview

This introductory module has a special position, being the first study component of the curriculum. It provides orientation and sets the frame for working with the subsequent modules. Specifically, it supports the students in getting familiar with the distance-learning materials and environment, which are used in subsequent modules. In addition to these objectives regarding the study format, the following domain-related contents are offered:

  • Terminology and functional characteristics of geographical information systems
  • Typical applications of geographical information processing
  • Current trends in Geoinformatics
  • Overview of secondary information resources for GIS in the sense of lifelong learning
  • Practical training to use professional GIS software
  • Competent use of coordinate systems and projections in the practical work of GIS

This module provides a profound overview of common data structures and data models in GIS. It explores how the real world around us can be displayed (application- and goal-oriented) in all its complexity with data models and data structures. Specific module contents include:

  • Basics of a formal description of spatial phenomena and relationships
  • Modelling spatial information
  • Spatial models – data models – data structures
  • Vector model
  • Grid models (raster)
  • Representation of surfaces
  • Object-oriented data models
  • Multidimensional spatial data models
  • Data modelling with UML
  • Introduction to mark-up languages (XML, GML)
  • Standards (GML) and quasi-standards (GeoJSON) for structuring and communication of spatial data
  • Complementary training in another professional GI software

The third module applies to the practical aspects of the ‘population’ of spatial data structures with real-world information. It provides an overview of primary and secondary acquisition methods with the goal of gaining insight into the genesis and the suitability of spatial data for specific use cases. A substantial part is the access and the report of important digital resources as well as the valorisation of geo-information by a standard-compliant documentation. Specific module contents include:

  • Identification of required data bases from the application and user perspective
  • Data quality and cost
  • Surveying
  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
  • Photogrammetry
  • LiDAR
  • Optical sensors and radar
  • Remote sensing platforms (satellites, airborne)
  • Data acquisition with UAV
  • Image analysis
  • Scanning, digitising, vectorising
  • Data with indirect location reference, geocoding of address data
  • Data transfer: Norms and standards, format transformations
  • Metadata, metadata standards
  • National and global sources of geodata, open government data
  • Legal issues, copyright, and open licenses

In this module, the conceptual foundations of conventional database systems are introduced by working on hands-on examples. On this basis, the knowledge is transferred to spatial data management and geodatabase systems. Specific module contents include:

  • Architecture of database management systems
  • Database design and documentation
  • Relational data modelling
  • Normalisation
  • Solid basics of the SQL query language as a universal language for data definition, data control and data management
  • Practical with a SQL front-end
  • Glossary of terms and specifications of GeoDBMS
  • Spatial models in DBMS
  • Spatial SQL operations according to OGC
  • Spatial indexing

This module introduces to software engineering and scripting of geospatial applications. It covers an overview to programming languages and their paradigms in general, an introduction to Python in particular, and the supporting frameworks for the development of applications such as IDE and Git. Specific module content includes:

  • Concepts and paradigms of programming
  • Overview of programming languages and their typical areas of application
  • Introduction to the Python scripting language
  • Code development in Visual Studio Code
  • Introduction to the version control system Git for distributed code development
  • Software documentation with the Markdown markup language
  • Using the interactive Jupyter Notebook web application to create and share code
  • Introduction to UML, Patterns, Refactoring, Testing, and Software Architecture

Spatial analysis methods are a central feature of geographic information systems. This core area within Geoinformatics aims at translating domain problems, based on conceptual problem structuring, towards analytical methods and tools. This module introduces the fundamental methods and techniques of geographical analysis. Specific module contents include:

  • Graphic modelling as a practical methodology for design and documentation of analysis processes
  • – Map algebra as an ordering scheme, appropriate operators
  • Spatial selection and aggregation, regionalisation
  • Aggregate data, MAUP and ecological fallacy
  • Distance scales and distance metrics, applications of distance-based methods
  • Cost surfaces in surface transport and dispersion analyses
  • Spatial interpolation (deterministic)
  • Multi-thematic integration (intersection, assessment, multi-criteria method)
  • Route optimisation and allocation in networks
  • Terrain analysis (slope, exposure, radiation, visibility, hydrological run-off)
  • Description of forms and patterns

Knowledge on the visual communication of spatial information is essential since nearly every GI professional actively designs maps at some point. This module aims at professionals from different domains to take advantage of cartographic data processing approaches for their respective tasks. Specific module contents related to conventional as well as digital forms of publication (web-mapping, mobile-mapping) include:

  • Cartographic application fields and paradigms
  • Cartographic design process
  • Generalisation and classification
  • Perception of forms and visual variables
  • Colour models and colour use (consideration of colour visual deficiency)
  • Development of map symbols and interaction
  • Map annotation and text
  • Thematic maps, diagrams and diagram maps
  • Map design and layout
  • Digital devices and output formats
  • 2.5D/3D visualisation
  • Web-mapping technologies and APIs
  • Dynamic visualisation

This module reviews and reinforces fundamental concepts and techniques of non-spatial statistics. In addition, the principle of spatial autocorrelation is introduced as a basis for understanding the specifics of spatial statistics and the main methods of spatial statistics are discussed. Specific module content includes:

  • Comparison between non-spatial and spatial statistics
  • Introduction to statistical programming with R
  • Descriptive non-spatial and spatial statistics
  • Exploratory spatial data analysis
  • Basics of inferential statistics
  • Classical and geographically weighted regression analysis
  • Structure discovery methods (cluster analysis and point pattern analysis)
  • Analysis of spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I, variography etc.)
  • Probabilistic interpolation (geostatistics)
  • Validation of interpolation results

Spatial data infrastructures encompass technology, standards, policies, and legal aspects, as well as humans. This module introduces key Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and how they can be used in the context of spatial data infrastructures to ensure data interoperability. Specific module content includes:

  • Specific issues related to interoperability
  • Overview of standards, OpenGIS, and distributed architectures
  • Concepts, models, and interfaces from the OpenGIS world (e.g.: XML, GML, Web Map Service, Web Feature Service, Metadata and Catalogue Services, OGC API standards)
  • Conception of strategic geoinformation projects
  • Spatial data infrastructures and their implementation on municipal, national, and supranational level
  • Practical use of OpenGIS interfaces (query and integration of geodata)

Electives advance and/or complement skills and knowledge acquired on UNIGIS core modules for specialised topics. A total of 24 ECTS are to be selected for Electives.

There are various ways to cover the Electives. Most importantly, UNIGIS offers a variety of optional modules that cover a broad range of conceptual and application-oriented topics in Geoinformatics. However, students can get credits for a range of other courses and achievements, successful participation in a Summer School, scientific publications, etc.

This module covers the entire course of study. As a study-accompanying module, it serves, on the one hand, as an introduction to the curriculum and for orientation with regard to individual specialisation and optional offers, as well as for setting accents in order to draw attention to new developments and trends. On the other hand, it serves as an introduction to scientific working methods. Specific module contents include:

  • Content-related, organisational, and administrative framework within the University Programme for Further Education
  • Classical techniques of scientific work, such as literature research, citation, and writing of scientific texts
  • New forms of subject-specific communication and collaboration in Web 2.0
  • Introduction and support in the implementation of a scientific project
  • Subject-specific accents and suggestions for scientific topics for the implementation in students’ master’s theses
  • Presentation and discussion of the proposed master thesis topic

In the Master Thesis, a student shows the ability to do independent research in a selected topic in the field of “Geographical Information Science & Systems”. As such it is a “business card” for career development. Students are required to meet the principles of scientific work in terms of formal presentation, methodological approach and its content according to current scientific standards.

The definition of a thesis topic – thesis proposal – typically takes place in the middle of the study program. The online master thesis workshop focuses on the in-depth discussion of the thesis topic with the UNIGIS Team. Additional thesis supervision through an external expert in the respective field is recommended.

Master Theses that have been successfully submitted to graduate from the UNIGIS MSc program can be found online:

> Past Master Theses

The university study program UNIGIS MSc (CE) is completed with the Master Exam (3 ECTS credits), in which students defend their Master Theses in an online meeting. The prerequisite for the defense is the positive assessment of all other study items, including the Master Thesis.

For further details refer to the Curriculum for the degree study program “Geographical Information Science & Systems – UNIGIS MSc (CE)”. This is an informal translation of the legally binding document released in German language.