Info-Webinar: Studying Geoinformatics Online

The date of the next webinar will be announced soon.

Open day at UNIGIS! The faculty of UNIGIS Salzburg will introduce the UNIGIS Salzburg online study programs for Geoinformatics: “UNIGIS MSc” and the certificate program “UNIGIS professional“.

Register to join the free webinar and ask your questions live, via chat.

Geoinformatics focuses on the spatial dimension of social and natural phenomena and builds a bridge between real and virtual worlds. University education is indispensable in domains that are as dynamic as Geoinformatics. UNIGIS, at the University of Salzburg, is designed as an online academic program that is delivered to working professionals and life-long learners, who are looking for advanced professional training possibilities.

Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wallentin, Program Director

We are looking forward to meeting you online!

UNIGIS Info Webinar